Seth Troxler: “Downloaded for Seth Troxler, thank you.” Maceo Plex: “support, thanks.”
Stacey Pullen: “yate mix is nice ” Hernan Cattaneo (): “really good support!”
Nadja LindKlartraum (Lucidflow, Darkroom Dubs, Soma Rec.): “BIG THANX to all the artists involved – AMAZIIIIIING RELEASE! LOVE IT :)))” (will chart)
Laurent Garnier – very organic deep moody dubby techno – Lovin it
Jay Pearce – Affected -Kazandub original is the stand out here immense sound love it , Paul Loraine mix is pretty strong aswell, rest of the package is great aswell but not as useful, thanks again!!!
Max m50 Area (Wave MusicEthereal Sound ) Strange high-energy dub in original, nice package. Already featured on the radio.
Jose Gonzalez (DJ Mag ES): “I am fan! :-) Paul Loraine Rmx…wow!” (will chart)
Christopher Colak (): “dope sounds! Full supports and full radio plays!” (will chart) This is why we dance: “Hi, yes, liking this! Will try and get a review up on TIWWD if I can, will be in week of release (I don’t do a chart but that’s the box I’ve ticked)” (will chart)
Calin Marian aka Catastrophic (): “Great tracks like always guys, like it very much. Will support on Tunnel FM ;)” (will chart)
Monty Luke (Planet-E): “thx for the download!” People Get Real (Join Our Club, Metis, Kill Em All): “very strong release, really into the original and Ja.Sha version. Some great atmosphere going on across the whole release! ”
Franco Bianco (Multivitamins, Hypercolour, Dilek): “HUGE release! Thanks for the music! :) The Original is my fav but all mixes are HUGE. Thanks!” (will chart)
Grünbox: “Great package! Yate’s remix is my favourite. Need to go to Kazantip asap ;)”
The Messenger (Soul Industries i Records Night Drive Music Plastic City): “Original Mix, Yate Rmx and Ja.Sha Version are our picks! Ja.Sha Version being exceptional! Thanks for sending.” (will chart)
Soukie & Windish (URSL, Hi Freaks, Norfolk, 200): “the ja.sha edit is very good. i will try it sunday afternoon at prinzenbarhamburg”
Philogresz (treibstoff, ware, team, snork): “best release promo so far on LucidFlow Paul Loraine ‘s bass, Yate’s energy, Ja.Sha’s wierdness & Raumpraegung ‘s trippyness” (will chart)
Deep Spelle (i RecordsLucidflowDeepWitUM RecordsSoul Industries Lens Media): “Original mix does it for me! thx :)”
SHA Podcast: “Excellent original, straight up tech house goodness! Strong remixes too, Loraine and Yate follow suit with their own tech bombs while Ja.Sha provides a nice subtle take. Big support ” (will chart)
Zilvinas Navickis (Wave Sessions): “Amazing and speechless.
JA.SHA version is gonna be with me for a while!” (will chart)
Jeff Fontaine (HouseRidersUCP, iRecords, MileEndRecords, DeepWit, Acryl, Soul Industries, Stereo Tension…): “Very nice!! Thank you very much…”
Carlos Sanchez (Supernature 8bit) (DJ Carlos Sanchez): “original and paul loraine rmx are great! will play both, thanks!” (will chart)
Paul Loraine (Lucidflow, Four:Twenty, Vitalik): “My favourite Lucidflow so far!!! ” (will chart)
Hall North (Soma, Fade, Cubism, Celestial, Tulipa, Endemic, 26TeaDrops International): “Ridiculously good release! My only problem is picking a favourite mix!” (will chart)
John P. – “masterpieces… full support! thanks” (will chart)
Marc Robijn (baba robijn) (90 watts rec): “the original i like the most ,.. very nice!!”
Florian Schirmacher (FormResonance): “Paul Loraine Remix is subtle and shifting, really nice! Raumprgung and Ja.Sha are a good statement too! best florian ”
Jerry Abstract (Shitkatapult, From 0-1, Slant, Semisexual, Dragons Eye): “Raumpraegung is a nice cinematic-scape for a drive over the Ambassador Bridge….”
Jesus Pablo ( i Records Lost My Dog Something Different Records): “Kazandub (Paul Loraine Rmx) – will play… deep dark grooves… :)”
Markus Guentner -Kompakt Ware – the original and the ja.sha remix are the best … good chords, groovy but still deep … Lee Hume – Solid EP, Lokua remix is dope but Yate remix is the one for me. tnx
Paul Mac – Paul Loraine Mix for me nice bit of dance floor dub action.
Eddie Richards – Evil Eddie Richards – good selection of mixes thx Aldrin Zouk – Zouk Club – Ja.Sha’s version is emotionally sweet
Richie Hawtin – M_Nus – download for r hawtin
James Kumo – Autoreply Ann Aimee – great EP! loads of remixes, but….its all about the original for me! thanks.
Xhin Lee – Stoboscopic Artefacts – Lokua and Raumpraegung remixes are cool.
Richard Seeley – Great package in all!! Ja.Sha nails it for me, Sweet deepness with clever emotion involved. Paul Loraine’s mix is also special with a groovy vibe and slick production. All in all 910 for me. ; )
Chris Stanford – Was tough to decide which mixes i like most, very nice selection of reworks. But the original and Lokua rmx are going in the bag. ;0)
Magda Minus – Downloaded for Magda
Paco Osuna – downloaded thank you :)
Eric Cloutier The Bunker (NYC) willing to give this a try. production sounds pretty good, but i’m not entirely sure of the composition of some of these.
Lars Klein – Love the original mix.
Anderson Noise – downloading thanks
Colin McBean Mr G -sickness what a groove paul l on the money…strong e[p
Greg Chin – Stryke (Plastic City Ovum) – cool techy vibes here. will try the original mix out.
Orde Meikle – Slam Soma – great stuff – will spin thanx George Lanham – good release. liking the deep vibes. Lokua mix is great
Terje Bakke – i will let the Loraine and Yate remix grow
Vince Watson – All tracks have got flavours that are usable in some way or another…good shit!
DCD017 – Lucid Sounds Vol.6 – A Fine And Deep Sonic Flow Of Club House, Electro, Minimal And Techno