Klartraum (Lucidflow, Soma, DRD): “Lovely pumping and soulful music. thanks!” (will chart) (will play)
Nick Clarke (Eggworm Tokyo): “slow bumpy is great!” (will play)
Nadja Lind (Lucidflow, many labels): “This is right up my alley! Esp. Betelgeuse is such a great club track with so much emotions. I know right away that all the ladies will be having an amazing time to this on the dance floors! :)” (will chart) (will play)
Steve Lawler (): “Downloaded for Steve Lawler, thanks.”
OpenLab Radio (): “Download fro OpenLab Playlist Consideration” (will play)
Eddie Richards (): “Downloaded fro Eddie Richards.” (will chart) (will play)
Terje Saether (Darkroom Dubs, Lucidflow, Hope Records, ConnaisseurParquet, Savoir Records): “Love the Slow Bumpy and Crickets, thanks! :)” (will play)
Steve Parry (Selador): “very goo, liking Betelguese!” (will play)
Satoshi Fumi (Moodmusic,Plastic City,Klik,King Street Sounds etc.): “quality stuff!” (will play)
Hall North (Soma, Fade, Wiggle, Cubism, Tulipa): “Crickets and Betelgeuse are both awesome – thanks so much once again Lucidflow.” (will chart) (will play)
Jamie Stevens (): “Great melody in Betelgeuse! Crickets gets the thumbs up from me too. Great release.” (will chart) (will play)
ABarth (PhonanzaFM): “Fantastic overall production! “Crickets” is sort of different to the other tracks and has a very cool and strange atmosphere, which is why I have to favorite it!” (will play)
… amongst many others…
LF071 – Oscar Cornell – Soulmates EP (11.11.14)